Product Still Life

Good product photography helps sell your products. From simple packshots to more complex creative still life or computer generated images.

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For a catalogue or e-commerce site your products can be photographed on a white background. This can be very cost effective, especially where there are many items to be photographed.


Your product may be very reflective or look great when photographed on a reflective surface. Extra care is needed to get the reflection just right.

Still Life / Creative
Still Life / Creative

Create an emotional bond between your customers and products through creative photography. Show how your product fits into your customers lifestyle.

Computer Generated Image
Computer Generated Image (CGI)

If your product or it's surroundings don't exist, they can be modelled within the computer, and images computer generated. For example, furniture can be placed in a CGI room set, saving money on hiring a location or building a set.

How it Works


We start by discussing the products to be photographed, how the images will be used, the style of image you require, the number of angles and whether it will be shot in the studio or on-location. We'll also discuss budget to ensure you get the best 'bang for your buck'.


The products are prepared; removed from packaging, cleaned to remove dust etc. The studio is equipped with professional lighting and cameras, the majority of which can also be used on location. If you're not able to attend the shoot I can email proof images for feedback, as the shoot progresses.


The post-production required will depend on the type and style of shot required. Post-production includes; colour calibration, resizing of images and delivery by disc or online. Post-production can also include; clipping paths (to cutout a product against a background), digital cleaning or dust and scratches etc.

Planning Planning
Shooting Shooting
Post-Production Post-Production